
Our Stories

News and insights from The Night Ministry community.

2 minutes reading time (395 words)

Reap the Rewards

The Night Ministry community recently gathered to celebrate milestones of service among our passionate and dedicated staff. Our Reap the Rewards luncheon, the first held since the pandemic, honored employees with 15, 10 and 5 years of service with The Night Ministry. Please join us in recognizing the following: 

15 Years 10 Years 5 Years
Yasmin Clarke-Greenlee,
Senior Program Supervisor
Alphia Miller, Program Specialist II LaShaunda Battie,
Manager, Youth Engagement Services
Felitha Jones-Patterson,
Assistant Director of Youth Programs
Sylvester Farmer,
Outreach Professional
Allison McCann-Stevenson,
Assistant Director of Long-Term Residential Services
Andrew Hart,
Volunteer Coordinator
Cindy Maturo,
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Mary Poliwka,
Community Health Manager
Emma Talley Washington,
Outreach Minister
Michelle Thomas,
Lead Case Manager

Meet Board of Directors Vice Chair Mark Warren

1735 North Ashland Avenue, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60622 | 773-784-9000
The Night Ministry is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Our Federal Tax ID (EIN) is 36-3145764.